Note: This piece is a staff editorial, which is an opinion article meant to reflect the opinions of the Drops of Ink staff. Because of this, the author’s name does not appear alongside the story, as the opinions shared in here are based on class discussions about the topic among the 24 DOI staff members. The staff is composed of students of all grades from a variety of backgrounds and experiences; therefore, the editorial speaks to the publication’s view on a subject and is not representative of each staff member’s exact view on the issue at hand.
Parades. Dresses. Window Painting. Color Wars. Assembly.
LHS is getting ready to take on Homecoming once again.
As we near the dance, the DOI staff took some time to reflect on some of the most prominent Homecoming traditions, evaluating their effects on, and meaning to, the student body.
Spirit Week:
Taking the ranks as one of the most entertaining weeks of school, spirit weeks play a huge role in boosting Wildcat spirit and excitement for the dance. Each year, Student Council (STUCO) creates spirit days to get hundreds of students excited to participate.
While STUCO tries their best to ensure themes that everyone can get excited about, it doesn’t always happen. Even though they are always fun, sometimes spirit weeks turn into a melting pot of criticism. Certain spirit days such as “Anything but a backpack” or “country club vs country” always do very well with the student body, but when new ideas that most students don’t find appealing become a spirit day, the floodgates for criticism to open.
We know that STUCO always tries to compromise for the student body, but sometimes their ways of reaching out to students isn’t direct enough, which makes students feel like their voice is not heard in the school. If STUCO were to communicate more effectively with the student body, perhaps the latter would feel represented and the spirit days would be well-received more consistently.
Homecoming Court:
The Homecoming Court is one of the most defining aspects of the dance and is a tradition that has been going on for a long time. Prior to choosing a Homecoming Wildcat, the custom was to choose a Homecoming King and Queen.
The shift to a Homecoming Wildcat creates space for inclusivity and diversity. It breaks down barriers and allows more people to feel seen, without placing labels such as “king and queen.”
Moreover, even though only one person is chosen for Homecoming Wildcat, the 15-20 people chosen to be on court represent what it means to be a Wildcat.
It’s always very exciting for seniors to vote for their classmates, watch the Homecoming Court’s videos during the Homecoming assembly, and cheer as they run down the gym during the dance.
Another prominent Homecoming tradition is for underclassmen to wear short dresses and upperclassmen to wear longer dresses. It’s an unspoken rule that many people follow for the dance.
However, when looking closer, this tradition can be problematic as it can make people feel stuck in a box. Even though it’s not forced, people can feel obligated to wear what others are wearing, for fear of standing out.
This expectation makes it harder for students to wear dresses that express their unique traditions or cultures. There is so much diversity and options in dresses and restricting students to a type of dress to wear at the dance can make them unable to express themselves.
Even though it’s a lighthearted tradition that has been around for a while, it can have deep effects on students who wish to represent themselves in a different way, but feel unable to. Perhaps more can be done to address this tradition in the same way others have been changed for the better.

All of the spirit and anticipation leading up to the dance bubbles over and reaches a maximum during the Homecoming assembly. It’s a time when every student is crammed into the main gym and allowed to connect with their grade, creating friendly competition between freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.
The assembly represents 50 minutes to celebrate and prepare for the dance the following day. It includes a wide range of entertainment such as teacher dances, awesome cheer and dance team performances, karaoke battles, intense competition over the Spirit Cup (a huge trophy awarded to the most enthusiastic class), and of course, choosing the Homecoming Wildcat.
Arguably the best assembly of the year, few things are more memorable than sitting in the bleachers and celebrating being an LHS Wildcat during the Homecoming assembly.
As we head into homecoming, let’s take time to appreciate the many amazing traditions we have at LHS, but also reflect on how to better create inclusivity and acceptance for every student who chooses to attend by being brave and caring enough to try new things.