Photo courtesy of Maria Thames
Sophomore and Drops of Ink staff writer Maria Thames hopes to gain better communication skills, create a connection with the LHS student body as a whole, and acquire a better understanding of what happens behind the scenes of planning various StuCo events. Thames also expressed how excited and privileged she was to have this opportunity, along with how thrilled she is to work with the rest of the Executive Board.
Maria Thames
Disclaimer: In order to remain as transparent as possible, please note that Maria is also a part of the Drops of Ink staff. However, in order to maintain objectivity the questions for each candidate were the same for everyone, and she was not given access to this story as a result of her place on staff.
Q: What do you want people to know about you?
A: I want people to know that I’m truly invested in this school and care about everyone in it. I’m not just a member of Student Council, but I’m also a staff member on Drops of Ink and have participated in Writer’s Week, so I really love interacting with everyone here. Just making sure that everyone is enjoying their time here at LHS is something that’s very important to me, and I want everyone to feel as if they have a place in this building, and that Student Council is a way for everyone to get involved.
Q: Why are you running for Exec Board and what are your plans if you are voted on?
A: This past year, I’ve been a member on the sophomore class council and have loved every second of it. I’ve learned a lot about what it is to be a leader within my class, and now I would like to be a leader within the entire school. Being involved here and interacting with my peers is something that I really enjoy doing, and I know that I’ll be able to do that if I’m on Exec Board. If I’m voted on, my main goal is to just make sure everyone that wants to be involved here gets that chance. Making sure everyone has a voice and equal representation is something that’s very important to me, and I’ll do my best to make that happen if I’m elected.
Q: How long have you been a part of Student Council?
A: I’ve been on Student Council since the beginning of freshman year, and I’ve made so many great memories from it. From planning the dances to participating in the Color Run, I’ve had a blast and have met so many people that I would have never known before. I fully intend on being a member until the end of senior year, no matter what happens with this election.

One of Thames’s campaign posters. Click to enlarge.