Racism. It’s something I’ll never understand. Although we live in a community that is primarily accepting of others, this false sense of innocence can preclude a sort of bubble from the racism that exists outside.
While on Facebook recently, I saw a disgusting video of a white woman shouting profanities at a black man because he started his car, which allegedly scared her children. The woman ranted for several minutes, repeatedly calling the man “the n-word” and several other insults.
To preach for a minute, what bothers me most about this situation is that the woman’s children are being taught hate and ignorance at such a young, impressionable age. Although according to the woman, the kids already hate black people, right? The fact that racism is undeniably passed on to the next generation when the will is there (from passionate racists)–it’s a scary thought.
Can we just sit back for a minute and question why? I mean, how does it benefit people to promote racism and act superior to others, in any way? How does slurring profanities at a black man because of his race prove or mean anything useful to anyone? As the man in the video said grudgingly: “Racism is alive and well.” I guess it’s the sad truth, but people need to hear it.
We live in a time where injustices need to be hammered down with the truth in order to make an impact. And this woman needs to become a symbol and an example for how the majority of people in 2014 feel about racism…Hopefully in favor of the man.
The man, however, did just what he needed to do to promote the intolerance effectively. He remained calm but serious, and allowed the woman’s slur of hate to continue so that it could be displayed on camera. Such is the way we must take advantage of technology as it grows and becomes a bigger parts of our lives: Make sure everyone knows when ignorance is being displayed. Make sure people can witness and embarrass the fools who discriminate based on color in this country.
In this day in age, we need to realize what comes out of our mouth, as it could so easily be plastered on the walls of social media and make a negative impact on you or others. But more importantly, we need to take advantage of such videos to illustrate that racism is alive and well, and that the modern racist has no place in our society.